понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cutter joiner

-So after a million years I finally finished sorting through the pictures. Iapos;ve still got a handful of things left to work on but the bloody slideshow was by far the most time-consuming thing. But it looks great Man. The more I look at the movie as a whole, including the dvd process and all the art I did or have yet to do, the more I believe this movie will be a consistent element in the rest of my life. It may never become particularly famous but this will be one of those things that will jump up and bite me unexpectedly for years to come. The resonating among the friends and strangers I have shown it to gives me the impression that it will probably find fans in unconventional places. Hereapos;s hoping, anyway. We shall see.

-October so far has been a great month to me, probably the greatest month so far in terms of work. All of summer was a complete bastard, ESPECIALLY September. Iapos;m less stressed out over money (for the time being) and I feel like I should commit more time to improving other skills. Dancing in particular. Wish I could find a practice space on campus on Saturdays or something, little chance of that though with all the bloody construction what is goings on.

-I didnapos;t have a good time Saturday class. I was concentrating really hard on my heel technique during warm-ups and Denise decided to use me as the apos;introvertedapos; style of tap versus this other guy who was more expressive. I understood what her point was and why she was making it but at the same time getting put on the spot like that when I was trying to do my own thing sucked all the fun out of my morning. After class Meagan could tell I was pretty grim and thought maybe I was doubting my ability as a dancer but that wasnapos;t it at all. I have always had a problem with being singled out and made to look deficient, especially when Iapos;m concentrating on something else entirely. Nobody wants to be taken out of context. Denise can occasionally come off as somewhat condescending but I donapos;t think sheapos;s mean spirited. How much I was bothered about why I was bothered was actually more bothersome than the original bother. Iapos;m still bothered about it now to a small degree. I am so articulate at 2 a.m.

-It just occurred to me that Iapos;m the LAST person in my immediate family to freely become a dancer. My momapos;s been into jazz, modern interpretive for as long as I can remember, my sisterapos;s been into hip hop since elementary, and my dad started doing ballroom not long after I moved out. Boy am I late. Quite a few of my relatives have musical or dance-related talents; my Aunt Sarah studies ballet, my Uncle Leon sings bass, my dad sings baritone. Itapos;s funny to me since the majority of my family either looks like or ARE engineers. I donapos;t think youapos;d expect it by looking at us because weapos;re hella squares. SQUARES WITH HIDDEN POWERS. UNGH.

-Root beer is always delicious.

-Well, donapos;t think Iapos;m sleeping tonight. Which is fine since I have to drive over to Warner Bros. At 5:30 a.m. Been working there a lot lately. Also I ate the worldapos;s biggest bacon cheeseburger late yesterday and screwed up my sleep schedule. Ainapos;t that always the way. Practically had to force myself to go and get it, for some reason I havenapos;t had an appetite all weekend. Itapos;s been the most peculiar thing.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bulk paper wrapping

So M is 15 months and has NEVER slept in her room or crib. Okay, maybe once during this whole time sheapos;s slept there lol, donapos;t flame me. We do the whole "wait apos;till she falls asleep on our bed and then carefully transfer her into her playpen." If she wakes up in the middle of the night, I just bring her to bed with us and she quickly falls asleep.

Problem #1. She takes over our bed and leaves Ted and I squeezed onto the both edges of the bed. Plus I realize that in the end, she does have to learn to sleep in her room.

Problem #2: Her crib has been recalled. So Iapos;m getting a stupid check in the mail soon but it is only good for another crib.

Question #1: I was thinking of selling the check for cash (maybe on craigslist) so we can use the funds to buy a "big girl" bed. But with us moving soon, should I just wait to buy a twin bed?


Maybe I can buy a toddler bed for now. I know I never intended to buy a toddler size bed, but I kinda want to make use of the crib mattress during this interim.

On a side note, sometimes she falls asleep on a futon at the foot of our bed and sheapos;s fine for the night. So I think what would really work is if she falls asleep on something as soft as a mattress. I think she wakes up in the playpen when she gets uncomfortable.

Oh yeah, CIO is not really something Iapos;d like to revisit. The first week, we realized that she inherited Daddyapos;s wonderful gag reflex and proceeded to throw up the contents of her stomach every night. Ummm, yeah. Gross. So Iapos;m okay with a gradual transition. =P

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

evolution jean lamarcks theory

Yeah... Depressing year with my sports teams. I really only have two- the St. Louis Cardinals and the Missouri Tigers. I dutifully root for the Rams and Blues, but donapos;t pay a whole lot of attention.

The game is not over yet, but... The Cards have already had a not-good season (it wasnapos;t too terrible either) and the Red Sox are making a comeback (which to me is like the Cards losing again)... Sooo if the game tonight does not go well, my sports dreams for 2008 have gone up in smoke.

I need to do some research and find someone to root for in some sport until baseball starts again.

breastfeeding my husband, evolution jean lamarcks theory, evolution jehovah theory witness.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Sooooooo. I was watching Aladdin, and it turned Tin Man on me. So now I have a whole idea for a fusion between the two, and Iapos;m wondering whether I should take the easy route and just try that for November, or acctually work on one of my original stories that are mouldering in my binders. I have two character lists, one with het and one with slash. The slash one would be more interesting because I could fit more odd people into Aladdin characters, but the het one makes a lot of sense and I really should try my hand at serious het sometime, right? I havenapos;t figured out the whole het list, though.

Aladdin - Glitch
Abu - Raw
Carpet - DeMilo
Genie - Queen Lavender
Jafar - Azkadellia
Iago - DG
Sultan - Mystic Man
Jasmine - Cain
Raja - Jeb
Guards - Longcoats
Prince Achmed - Airofday
Mozenrath - Zero

Zero is Mozenrath because Iapos;m in love with Mozenrath and both of them deserve more screentime. Yes, I know Mozenrath may as well not exist in the movies, but I seriously love him and I wonapos;t write an Aladdin story without working him in. For the het list...

Aladdin�- Glitch
Abu - Raw
Carpet - DeMilo
Genie - Mystic Man
Jafar - Sorceress
Iago - Lonot
Sultan - Queen Lavender
Jasmine - Azkadellia
Raja - DG
Guards - Longcoats
Prince Achmed - Vy-sor
Mozenrath - Zero

Iapos;d totally be working in other stories and characters, plus original characters depending on how it works out. The Resistance would make excellent thieves, for example. A lot of very minor characters from Aladdin (street kids, harem girls, etc.) would be getting bigger parts. And in both stories, either "Jasmine" or "Aladdin"--or both--might end up with "Mozenrath". The idea is pretty formed in my mind, but it will be so long, Iapos;m afraid to tackle such a major story if no one would be interested in it. If anyone thinks this is worth a further thought, tell me or Iapos;ll just move on to planning my original story.

On a different note, anybody ever seen Matilda? Itapos;s based on the Raold Dahl book, and I totally used to want to be her. Also, I think it would be the easiest possible thing to cross over with Harry Potter. And I have recently decided that I ship Matilda/Harriet, from Harriet the Spy. I watched those movies sooooo many times as a kid.

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american political cartoon

Why is it that things seem lately to be so screwed up? Every day there is something else that irritates me about the world. Some things are small irritations and some are really big ones. I saw a commercial a moment ago that was for some new hybrid SUV. First of all, itapos;s an SUV and itapos;s a hybrid. SUVapos;s are generally about power and hybrids are generally about conserving fuel. This particular SUV supposedly gets 20 mpg in the city. My regular (as in not-hybrid) car gets better mpg than that. This is supposedly a real selling point of this SUV. It doesnapos;t hold any more than any other SUV. It doesnapos;t have more power than other SUVs. It just gets 20 mpg city. Right now, there are cars that can get literally more than a hundred mpg out there and yet, this has a selling point at 20 mpg. Why?
Another irritation, slightly less of an irritation, actually, more of a general question and wonderment about the state of the television/movie industry. Why is it that most of the good movies and television shows are all remakes of something else lately? Is it really that difficult to come up with an original idea? Really? A new series, Life on Mars, on ABC just started up. I like the show. I really do. It was a BBC show in 2006-2007. Why is it that the good television shows in the U.S. Are old british shows? Why canapos;t we just have the original show here? The Office is another example of that. Great show. Used to be a BBC show.
Movies? Aside from the comic book movie storm that is happening right now (which Iapos;m totally okay with), weapos;re getting a rash of old television shows turned into movies or old movies being made into new movies. Some are good and some are awful. That will always be the way of things, but can we try a new idea every now and again? Please?
On the list of things that irritate me, war and money and being alone are actually pretty low right now. There are just so many other things that have really stumped me as to how they can even exist.
Like the bigfoot hoax thing. It was on the news that these two guys had found this Bigfoot and had it in their freezer and everything and they even sent in DNA samples for testing and all that crap. It was huge in the media. They admitted to it being a hoax and now they are selling the freezer (complete with the plastic and rubber monkey suit and parts of dead animals in it) on ebay. The winning bidder will recieve a personal visit from the two and the freezer with the bigfoot hoax corpse in it. The auction has just ended today and the winning bidder paid (and I really wish I was exaggerating) $250,283.00 for this thing. Letapos;s think about that for a moment. A typical freezer of that kind maybe costs a couple hundred bucks. Maybe even up to a grand. Your typical monkey suit costs about $200 for the feet, hands, head and body pieces. Various dead animals maybe cost about $100 or so if you had to buy them instead of just collecting road kill or hunting them down yourself or whatever. That brings the cost of this up to about $2000 if weapos;re lucky. Maybe these guys lost some wages for the time they spent on tv and radio or whatever while they were "keeping it a secret" or something, so throw in maybe $25,000 or so. Thatapos;s probably more than is necessary, but weapos;re highballing it here. Okay, so plane tickets for two people to travel to the winning bidderapos;s place and shipping the huge freezer and contents costs maybe another one to two grand. All in all, maybe these guys will have ended up spending 50 to 100 thousand on the whole ordeal. That means they make about $150,000 bucks and gain a reputation for being big fat liars. Maybe the reputation balances out the earnings a little, but it still doesnapos;t make up for the simple fact that someone out there has enough money just lieing around that they were willing to pay over 200 thousand dollars for an old freezer with a monkey suit and some rotting animal parts to be hand-delivered to them by the people who put the crap in that freezer and called it a bigfoot.
I could seriously start a list of things that make the hatred rise in me and call it "Why the world has gone to shit". The above would be on that list right now. I mean, these guys are going to get a ridiculous amount of money for doing very little and meanwhile, I have to work long days doing ridiculous amounts of work for very little pay. Good people like James canapos;t get a job. Right now, Jesse is sleeping in his truck because heapos;s homeless and none of us have any extra rooms in our houses. Apollo is overseas defending our country and getting paid shitty wages risking his life every day. Friends and family members struggle through daily life and yet, people like these bigfoot hoax guys and everyone whoapos;s ever won a frivilous lawsuit or anyone whoapos;s perfected insurance fraud or organized crime or whatever sits back and drinks in the evening. People look around and wonder why the world has gone to shit and the reasons are everywhere. I love my country and technology and all, but there are defenitely times when I would like to go back to the fucking stone age. Where my biggest concerns would be food, water and shelter.
Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now.
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flights to capetown from ireland

(Cross-posted to teaching_autism and teaching_sp_ed)

Hi all,

Iapos;ve been having a challenging time with one of my students--and more to the point, with coming up with new ideas for prevocational tasks and fun activities--so I thought Iapos;d appeal to you fine people to see if anyone else can suggest things I havenapos;t thought of.

The student is 10 years old and really thrives on being independent. He is excellent at long chained responses (such as preparing food, washing the dishes, etc.), has great fine and gross motor skills, and matches and sorts well. Heapos;s also really persistent when it comes to figuring things out. For example, I have a little latch hook set for him. The first time we put it in front of him we just put the loops in a pile on the table. He figured out himself how to stretch the loops across the loom an hook them on. He doesnapos;t like to get wet or messy. He also has a healthy respect for potential injury, so heapos;s careful with things that are sharp (like a stapler remover). Manipulatives are good for him, in general.

Here are some of the things weapos;re already doing or have thought of for him:
-Sorting objects (office supplies, colored bottle tops, silverware, etc.)
-Collating by color
-Stuffing envelopes
-Assembling nuts and bolts
-Hole punching and putting pages into a binder
-Computer games
-Operation (game)
-Perfection (game)

So I would love ideas Prevocational tasks, games, toys, etc. Anything would be great--thanks in advance
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academy california virtual

on the 22nd hour of my fast. So far so good. Im hoping to make it until saturday morning....more if i can.

i hope those of you that have seen them are enjoying the "quote of the day" to help us all get through this. I repost the previous ones along with a new one each morning (tomorrow will be day 3).

question: i have my period, which sucks cause i didnt have it for like ever. Its wicked heavy and im up SO high on the scale., numbers i havnt seen in a year. Im hoping its from my period....but how long until those numbers would go down while i have it??? i want to be sure that its going to go away but idk when that is supposed to happen. HELP

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