Onto business. Iapos;m making some posters for a personal project, itapos;s a music shop where you can trade in CDs and stuff. The poster designs Iapos;ve done thus far are based on the idea of purging your music collection and repenting on your musical sins - for example, buying lots of naff music. The whole branding is done around the concept of televangelist style over the top silliness - taking the piss out of things so as to make things light hearted rather than saying "your music is shit, change it".
The thing is, I donapos;t know enough bands that are quintisentially bad to do it properly. Outside of a few blatant examples, I know thereapos;s always a market for every band. So saying something like Abba or Chris Dapos;Burgh is bad will alienate people and itapos;d be bad to pick on them.
So can anyone suggest bands or musicians that are bad in a way that people can accept?
At the moment Iapos;m thinking of two part straplines on the poster - eg:
2. You canapos;t listen to the Spicegirls forever
2. We all know you still listen to Aqua
I just keep feeling like bands Iapos;m listing arenapos;t cringeworthy enough to merit their use. So please guys, help me out. I need shitty music
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