Last night, leaving work was kinda funny. Aaron volunteered to give Nathan and I a ride home, but when we got to his car, all of the windows were seriously frosted over. He had this small scraper to remove it, but Nathan and I�decided to help out by turning our badges into scrapers as well. XD
I�bought myself a small blanket to add to my bed, and it helped a lot. But I�need to figure out that heater soon- if itapos;s this cold in October, the actual Winter months will be a killer.
To add to my concerns, I think thereapos;s something really wrong with my right�hand. For the past week or so, itapos;s been going numb on me out of nowhere. At first it was just falling asleep, and as I�sometimes accidentally lay my head on it during the night, I�thought that was all. But then I�started noticing itapos;s doing it even when Iapos;m doing nothing with it, or if Iapos;m picking something up with it.
The worst times are as Iapos;m waking up- even if I�didnapos;t sleep on my hand. As of late, Iapos;m awakening to numbness in my hand going from the pad of my thumb to my middle finger, hitting everything in between, After a few moments, the area is alive with pain, focusing mostly on that middle finger. It lasts for like fifteen minutes, and nothing I�do helps it. Slowly it starts to calm down and stuff, but itapos;s not something I�enjoy experiencing every morning.
Worse now, despite the pain going away, the tip of my ring and middle finger are still numb. Iapos;m trying to figure out just what the hell is going on. Part of me thinks it could be carpal tunnel, but that doesnapos;t just suddenly show up one day, does it?�And isnapos;t it like another thing that usually is found in older people?�
Iapos;m sure itapos;ll be just my luck that I�have another one of those types to add to my list of apos;Things Wrong With Meapos;. >.<
blue montain ski resort.
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