Why is it that things seem lately to be so screwed up? Every day there is something else that irritates me about the world. Some things are small irritations and some are really big ones. I saw a commercial a moment ago that was for some new hybrid SUV. First of all, itapos;s an SUV and itapos;s a hybrid. SUVapos;s are generally about power and hybrids are generally about conserving fuel. This particular SUV supposedly gets 20 mpg in the city. My regular (as in not-hybrid) car gets better mpg than that. This is supposedly a real selling point of this SUV. It doesnapos;t hold any more than any other SUV. It doesnapos;t have more power than other SUVs. It just gets 20 mpg city. Right now, there are cars that can get literally more than a hundred mpg out there and yet, this has a selling point at 20 mpg. Why?
Another irritation, slightly less of an irritation, actually, more of a general question and wonderment about the state of the television/movie industry. Why is it that most of the good movies and television shows are all remakes of something else lately? Is it really that difficult to come up with an original idea? Really? A new series, Life on Mars, on ABC just started up. I like the show. I really do. It was a BBC show in 2006-2007. Why is it that the good television shows in the U.S. Are old british shows? Why canapos;t we just have the original show here? The Office is another example of that. Great show. Used to be a BBC show.
Movies? Aside from the comic book movie storm that is happening right now (which Iapos;m totally okay with), weapos;re getting a rash of old television shows turned into movies or old movies being made into new movies. Some are good and some are awful. That will always be the way of things, but can we try a new idea every now and again? Please?
On the list of things that irritate me, war and money and being alone are actually pretty low right now. There are just so many other things that have really stumped me as to how they can even exist.
Like the bigfoot hoax thing. It was on the news that these two guys had found this Bigfoot and had it in their freezer and everything and they even sent in DNA samples for testing and all that crap. It was huge in the media. They admitted to it being a hoax and now they are selling the freezer (complete with the plastic and rubber monkey suit and parts of dead animals in it) on ebay. The winning bidder will recieve a personal visit from the two and the freezer with the bigfoot hoax corpse in it. The auction has just ended today and the winning bidder paid (and I really wish I was exaggerating) $250,283.00 for this thing. Letapos;s think about that for a moment. A typical freezer of that kind maybe costs a couple hundred bucks. Maybe even up to a grand. Your typical monkey suit costs about $200 for the feet, hands, head and body pieces. Various dead animals maybe cost about $100 or so if you had to buy them instead of just collecting road kill or hunting them down yourself or whatever. That brings the cost of this up to about $2000 if weapos;re lucky. Maybe these guys lost some wages for the time they spent on tv and radio or whatever while they were "keeping it a secret" or something, so throw in maybe $25,000 or so. Thatapos;s probably more than is necessary, but weapos;re highballing it here. Okay, so plane tickets for two people to travel to the winning bidderapos;s place and shipping the huge freezer and contents costs maybe another one to two grand. All in all, maybe these guys will have ended up spending 50 to 100 thousand on the whole ordeal. That means they make about $150,000 bucks and gain a reputation for being big fat liars. Maybe the reputation balances out the earnings a little, but it still doesnapos;t make up for the simple fact that someone out there has enough money just lieing around that they were willing to pay over 200 thousand dollars for an old freezer with a monkey suit and some rotting animal parts to be hand-delivered to them by the people who put the crap in that freezer and called it a bigfoot.
I could seriously start a list of things that make the hatred rise in me and call it "Why the world has gone to shit". The above would be on that list right now. I mean, these guys are going to get a ridiculous amount of money for doing very little and meanwhile, I have to work long days doing ridiculous amounts of work for very little pay. Good people like James canapos;t get a job. Right now, Jesse is sleeping in his truck because heapos;s homeless and none of us have any extra rooms in our houses. Apollo is overseas defending our country and getting paid shitty wages risking his life every day. Friends and family members struggle through daily life and yet, people like these bigfoot hoax guys and everyone whoapos;s ever won a frivilous lawsuit or anyone whoapos;s perfected insurance fraud or organized crime or whatever sits back and drinks in the evening. People look around and wonder why the world has gone to shit and the reasons are everywhere. I love my country and technology and all, but there are defenitely times when I would like to go back to the fucking stone age. Where my biggest concerns would be food, water and shelter.
Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now.
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