четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dr hogly woglys tyler texas barbecue

Dear Free Loading Asshole:

If you leave things open on my computer, they are free for me to read. So next time you and your stunned cunt of a girlfriend want to bash me and call me a whore and a bitch, grow some balls and say it to my face; its nothing I havenapos;t heard before.

If either of you have a problem with me or my husbands and mineapos;s rules in our house, there the fucking door. Get the fuck out. I have a right to know when there are going to be people in my house and I have a right to say no if I just want some time to myself. Again, last time I check this was MY FUCKING HOUSE.

We are so good to you, sometimes I think Iapos;m retarded. You pay $500 rent all inclusive. That puts a roof over your head, more than your share of food in your stomach, pays your utilities and gets your ass driven anywhere you want to go. Your a fucking charity case. Oh And that does the same for your girlfriend who is here at least 3 days a week. Your stupid ass is costing me money.

And as for me giving that whiney bitch you call a girlfriend dirty looks, hell yes I do I listen to her whine and complain every time she is here. Plus you two are obnoxiously loud most the time and thats annoying when my daughter is going to bed or already sleeping. Grow the fuck up.

I canapos;t stand either of you. I think you are rude and inconsiderate and childish. I want you the hell out of my house and I hope reality bites you in the ass on the way out.

Fuck off.

dr hogly woglys tyler texas barbecue, dr hogue, dr hohn.

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